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Maximizing Trial Success Requires Evolving Feasibility and Recruitment Strategies

About the Webinar

Join us as we explore the competitive landscape of clinical trials and how feasibility and participant recruitment and retention play a pivotal role in the success of a study.

In this webinar, our experts discuss:

  • Developing site selection and recruitment strategies that are not one-and-done and are continuously modified and updated over the course of a clinical trial.
  • Leveraging data and insights to have a better projection of site enrollment.
  • Instituting the best ways to have high-impact improvements on site selection and recruitment

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WCG Total Feasibility Solutions

Optimize your study planning, site identification, and selection processes based on robust data and insights.

WCG Recruitment & Retention Solutions

Simplify your recruitment and retention strategies to devote your attention to the science, your sites, and your participants.