Rater Services
Mitigate the risks of bias, variability, and human error in your trials by leveraging a powerful combination of scientific services and technology.

Experience plus technology
WCG’s Rater Services apply our scientific expertise with measurement science and signal detection to address the root causes of failed trials. We provide services that mitigate the risks of bias, variability, and human error. And WCG’s eCOA/ePRO Platform technology enables the seamless, integrated delivery of each service.
This powerful hybrid of expertise and technology is helping sponsors achieve significantly fewer endpoint errors by utilizing Independent Ratings, Independent Review, and Rater Training.
Improve endpoint quality and reduce the risk of inconclusive studies
Comprehensive solutions to protect against threats to your primary endpoints.
Maximize signal detection with Independent Ratings
Independent Ratings is a comprehensive, customized solution that protects sponsors against bias and variability to find the root causes of inconclusive trial results. In having pioneered the methodology over a decade ago, WCG has completed more than 60 Independent Ratings studies, and our expert Independent Raters have achieved the highest inter-rater reliability in the industry.
WCG’s Independent Raters remotely conduct live clinical assessments of subjects at study sites and are trained to a single standard, monitored and calibrated with one another to minimize variability. And because they are remote, Independent Raters are less subject to biases that may dampen signal detection. They are “blinded” to protocol details and subject history, and are uninfluenced by repeated contact with subjects.
Improve data quality with Independent Reviews
Independent Review is a rigorous monitoring service in which our highly qualified, experienced clinicians review selected assessments that were administered by site raters. This post-hoc analysis facilitates real-time data review and helps keep your study on track.
Our expert clinician raters are trained to meet an exacting standard of uniformity, and we provide stringent guidelines for conducting Independent Reviews. This process helps sponsors improve the quality of data collected throughout the study- from screening to baseline and endpoint.
Reduce variability and ensure consistent scoring by training
Raters should be assessing participants the same way on day 450 as they did on day one. Often, they aren’t. Rater bias, rater drift, rater errors, and rater variability put the quality of clinical data—and the entire trial—at risk.
WCG delivers highly flexible training based on years of clinical expertise and extensive trial experience, firmly grounded in proven concepts of adult learning. The training team includes clinical and psychometric experts, as well as authors of widely used rating scale instruments.
Training programs are tailored to each study and include rater qualification, scale-specific didactic and applied learning, and rater certification.
WCG’s Rater Training service helps sponsors improve the quality of data collected throughout the study—from screening to baseline to endpoint.
Clinical services are enhanced and integrated with our powerful eCOA/ePRO platform
WCG’s eCOA/ePRO platform provides digital clinical outcome assessments and data management for clinical trials. From data entry to visit upload, it fits seamlessly and easily into workflow at the study site while maximizing data potential and minimizing errors. The platform is built to ensure trial data is secure, accurate, and complete.
Our eCOA/ePRO platform incorporates clinical guidance for each assessment scale to ensure results are standardized across raters. Delivered on web-based and tablet devices, it features:
- A site application to manage subject visits, and administer and score rating scale instruments
- A web-based portal to centralize and review high-level data from sites
- An app for participant-reported outcomes (ePRO), clinician-reported outcomes, (ClinRO) and Observer-Reported Outcomes (ObsRO)
The eCOA/ePRO platform has been used for hundreds of thousands of participant assessments in clinical trials around the world. Our source data is reliable and has been accepted by the FDA and EMA in successful drug applications.
Schedule a consultation today and learn how learn how our Rater Services can enhance your next trial.

Apply deep scientific expertise to optimize the quality of your clinical trial rater data
Our clinical expertise and record of combining scientific innovation with digital capabilities is rooted in years of experience working with some of the most challenging of clinical trial outcomes.
Schedule a meeting to discover how WCG’s Rater Services can be implemented for your clinical trial today.