ePharmaSolutions is now part of WCGclinical.com
If you were trying to reach epharmasolutions.com, you’re in the right place!

Optimize your clinical trial operations with WCG’s integrated solutions
We are pleased to announce that we have fully integrated ePharmaSolutions into WCG.
As your partner in clinical trials, WCG is committed to ensuring the availability of the capabilities and solutions you and your team need most to support your success throughout your development process.
To learn about these updated solutions, click here to explore our Safety and Site Feasibility solutions.
Click here to view support options.
Explore Integrated WCG Solutions

Site Feasibility
WCG helps you find, choose and activate the world’s most qualified sites globally, resulting in significantly faster site selection, study activation and time to market.

Rater and Patient Training
WCG’s training solution mitigates the risks of bias, variability, and human error in clinical trials. The result: improved caliber of data; clearer signals; and standardized, accurate studies.
Important Resources

Reinventing Site Feasibility: Breaking Away From a Failed Status Quo

Preparing for Success: A Better Way to Manage the Feasibility Process
Support for Legacy ePharmaSolutions Services
Contact Support by Email
[email protected]
212 Carnegie Center
Suite 301
Princeton, NJ 08540
Contact Support by Phone
Our Support desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using any of the phone number listed below. Please note that during our Saturday, Sunday and Holiday hours, Support is limited to password resets via phone calls only. For emergency Saturday, Sunday and Holiday support situations, please call us and ask that your call be escalated.
Toll Free US and Canada: 1-800-503-9480
Toll International: +1-610-832-8098
Argentina: 0800-666-1835
Australia: 0011-800-3635-0000
Belgium: 00-800-3635-0000
Brazil: 0800-8924259
Canada: 1-800-503-9480
China: 00-800-3635-0000
Czech Republic: 00-800-3635-0000
Denmark: 00-800-3635-0000
France: 0800-919639
Germany: 00-800-3635-0000
Hong-Kong: 001-800-3635-0000
Hungary: 06-800-16401
India: 000-800-100-3783
Ireland: 00-800-3635-0000
Israel: 00-800-3635-0000
Italy: 800-870-098
Malaysia: 00-800-3635-0000
Mexico: 001-844-211-4286
Netherlands: 00-800-3635-0000
New Zealand: 00-800-3635-0000
Poland: 00-800-141-0031
Portugal: 00-800-3635-0000
Russia: 810-800-3635-0000
Singapore: 001-800-3635-0000
South Africa: 00-800-3635-0000
South Korea: 002-800-3635-0000
Spain: 900-931485
Sweden: 00-800-3635-0000
Switzerland: 0800-553-701
Taiwan: 00-800-3635-0000
Thailand: 001-800-3635-0000
Turkey: 00800-113-6335
UK: 0-800-014-8906
Ukraine: 8-800-5047650
Chat with ePharmaSolutions Support
You can access chat support by visiting https://help.epharmasolutions.com/
Frequently Asked Questions
I never received my username/password
There could be several reasons you did not receive your username/password via the invitation to access our workspace: old/incorrect email address, it went to your “Junk” email folder, or we simply do not have an account for you. Please contact us and we will look into the issue for you.
I received my username/password, but am having trouble logging in
If you are having trouble logging in, please check the following:
- Our passwords are case sensitive. Ensure that you are typing in your username/password as it’s listed on your invitation.
- Usernames generally follow the format of LastName.FirstName with a period separating the two, not a comma.
- Verify that you are not typing an incorrect character (i.e. using a zero as an “O”).
- Beware of copying and pasting the login information, as at times it is possible to copy extra space at the end of a username/password which will invalidate the login. Try manually entering the information instead.
If you continue to experience trouble logging in, please contact us and we will work to get you in the system as soon as possible.
I can log in, however, I cannot view the training modules
To view most of our training modules, you will need to have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer. If you do not have the latest version, we suggest you upgrade by visiting https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.
If you are still unable to view the training modules once you have installed the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, please contact us.
I’m having trouble viewing PDF files using Google Chrome
By default, Google Chrome uses its own plugin to view PDF documents. To enable the Adobe Reader plugin for Google Chrome, follow the instructions listed here. Taking these actions may require assistance from your local IT department. We strongly suggest consulting your local IT team before making any changes to your computer.
Do you have any helpful resources that I can access if I run into additional technical issues?
There are a number of resources you can review if you ever run into any technical issues. We find that the most helpful are Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, and Google Translate. If you need technical assistance past what these resources may provide, please contact us.
What are the minimum system requirements?
- Browser: Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 91
- Please add https://*.epharmasolutions.com to your list of trusted sites.
- Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
- Microsoft Office: Office 2007 or higher
- Network Communication: HTTP and HTTPS with destinations ports TCP/80 and TCP/443 from any TCP source port.
- Network Connectivity: Minimum 1.5 Mbps network connection speed is required
Contact Us
Have a question or want to speak with our sales or support teams?
Use this form to contact us.